Life WsM
Life WsM

Life's New Look...

Post on July 7, 2016

Well the scaffolding is down at last and the painting almost finished so just to give you a clue as to what you're looking for, if you haven't visited us before, here is a photo...

New Colour for Life
New Colour for Life

We think it makes The Centre look much smarter and are grateful to all the owners, occupiers and those at North Somerset council, who worked together to get the job done, as well as the decorators, scaffolders, and all who worked on the guttering, rendering etc. Thank you all!

And a special thank you to all our faithful customers and supporters who braved the work overhead and came in anyway! We think you're all amazing!

On a personal note we think this is a great start to our celebrations for our first five years as Life. God has been so faithful supplying our needs as they arise, 'our daily bread'. We plan to celebrate our fifth birthday a little later in the year so please watch this space and our facebook page Life-WsM for more details in the near future.

We'd love to hear from you, what you think of the new decor and if you've spotted the natural cross which has formed on the building because of the new paint-work, which someone has already pointed out to us. So pop in say hello and have a cuppa with us whenever you're free.

Also don't forget we always set aside time at the beginning of each day for prayer and Bible reading, and all who would like to join in are welcome, Monday - Friday 9am and Saturday 10am.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

“Life” is an independent BIBLE EXHIBITION SHOP; we are followers of Jesus Christ providing a Bible centred exhibition and shop….

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