Life WsM
Life WsM

The Bible In One Year - Starting January 2014

Post on December 11, 2013
Bible In One Year

Are you considering reading the Bible in one year next year?

We are planning to start reading through the Bible in one year, daily at Life, beginning on our first day back in the new year.

We will be launching this on Thursday 2nd January 2014 at 12.30pm and again at 7.30pm, when we will fix the dates of other sessions. Please feel free to come along to one or the other.

We will be reading the New Living Translation 'God Sightings - The One Year Bible'. If you, like many of us, would like to read the Bible in one year but feel you need others to help keep you on track, we plan to read daily (Monday-Saturday during our regular devotional, reading and prayer times at Life) and are offering a free copy to the first 10 people to commit to joining us at least twice a month over the year. We will also be offering a lunchtime and evening 'group' to give you plenty of choices to meet with others and chat over what you've been reading and support each other.

We chose the NLT version because it is a modern, relatively simple  English translation and therefore good for new Christians, those who have been Christians for a long time or those who aren't sure yet.

Bible In One Year "Once you've seen God at work through his Word, there's no turning back...

You're hooked. Your excited. Inspired. Open to the unexpected.

You can't wait to see what God will do next. Because - maybe for the first time - you see him alive and active in your world.

But until you see that with your own eyes, it's tough to have a vibrant faith. Believing in God can feel dry. Dusty. Grounded in principles rather than passion.

As you make your way through God Sightings: The One Year Bible, you'll explore portions of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. You'll learn to experience God every day. You'll see the amazing ways God is expressing the truth found in His word in the world around you, in your own life." From 'God Sightings: The One Year Bible' Tyndale

If you want to join in with this please contact us at enquiries@life-wsm by Telephone 01934 418109 or via Facebook at Life Wsm so that we can

“Life” is an independent BIBLE EXHIBITION SHOP; we are followers of Jesus Christ providing a Bible centred exhibition and shop….

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